Numazu Alps, June 12, 2021

9 people hiked in Numazu Alps. We started from Numazu station and walked to Kanuki-yama. From there we hiked to Washizu-san, where we had lunch. We then walked a bit more and descended to the sea side, where we took a bus back to Numazu station.

Map (click for larger size).

Photos from Lalitha Devi

Photos from Nguyen Thanh Phuong

Video footage ("Fellowship of the NIG"), by Kirill Kryukov (11 min, 640x360, 459 MB)

(Larger resolution: 720p, 895 MB).

Comments by participants

Kirill Kryukov: Numazu Alps is enjoyable as always. We had a very cheerful team and a fun hike. Despite small height of the peaks, this course is a good challenge, with trail climbing up or down most of the time. Will a monkey travel that trail in one day? Probably not, monkeys are quite smart. Note to self: use a tripod. Note to everyone: bring more water.